Sara Ryder (Female Only) Romances Liam Kosta After main mission The Journey to Meridian: Visit her again on planet Aya, Choose to kiss her to finish this romance.Each time you give her one of the relics there is a dialogue option to flirt with her “Not everything, thanks to you” and “Hope it helps my chances”. This requires you two retrieve three relics from planets Voeld, Kadara and Elaaden. Accept her follow-up quest “Forgotten History”.When returning to Avela to finish the quest pick dialogue: “I did it for you” > “You got it”. During the quest you must retrieve a helmet relic from Planet Havarl. Accept Avela’s quest “Recovering the Past” and complete it.Go talk to her and pick dialogue “To Meet People Like You”. She can either be at the docks or in the museum (depending on how far into the game you have progressed). After main mission A Trail of Hope: Travel to Planet Aya and check your world map.Talk to Gil on the Engineering deck and finish the romance in your private quarters. After comitting to the relationship with Gil, return to the spaceship.Then meet him in Prodromos (your outpost on planet EOS). After main quest “Hunting the Archon”: Frequently check your email aboard the Tempest.Same place as before, after main quest “A Trail of Hope” and after completing his poker side quest: Dialogue “Slow down, big guy”.You’ll get an email from Gil that starts a side quest “Gil Brodie: A Game of Poker”. Exhaust all of Gil’s dialogue options and check your emails frequently.Same place as before, after visiting Aya: Dialogue “And now what?”.If you’re playing a female char he won’t be susceptible to your flirtations. During the dialogue choose “I do more than show up”.

This leads to a machine room above the cargo bay. There’s a door with a red lock that takes a few seconds to open. From where you view the galaxy map turn around and head to the far end of the spaceship.

She doesn’t count for the Matchmaker trophy. As such she cannot be romanced, it’s just a one time flirt. Ryder will try to flirt with her, but she is not interested in romantic relationships with patients and doesn’t want to take things further.
#Mass effect andromeda gil poker quest full#
During the dialogue choose “You’re full of surprises”.

Lexi T’Perro (Can only flirt with her, no Romance) Talk to her on the spaceship and meet her in your private quarters for this romance’s climax. On spaceship (Hallway and then Ryder’s private quarters), after Journey to Meridian main quest: You must be in an exclusive relationship with Cora.On spaceship after Hunting the Archon main quest and completing Cora’s loyalty mission: “Kiss” Cora.This option becomes unavailable when you embark on the Journey to Meridian main quest, so talk to her before then. On spaceship after “Cora: Harper Asari Ark” and after A Trail of Hope main quest: Dialogue “You and I can handle everything”.Aboard spaceship after A Trail of Hope main quest: Read Cora’s email and then talk to her to get the quest “Cora Harper: Asari Ark”.On spaceship after establishing first outpost on Planet EOS: Dialogue “You’re a romantic”.Immediately after last conversation you can talk to her again.

During the dialogue with Cora choose “We’ll be good together”. Back on your spaceship during / after Planet EOS: From where you view the galaxy map, turn around and go to Cora‘s room.Scott Ryder (Male Only) Romances Cora Harper